A The Backlog

The backlog will contain a list of topics of discussion that have arisen during the semester that we will return to if there is time.

A.1 Sorted

Why are we so darn focused on means?

A.2 Unsorted

  • https://atrebas.github.io/post/2019-01-15-2018-learning/
  • Don’t load previous worksapce. (Screenshot of this option in RStudio.)
  • How do we make prediction intervals?
  • What is quantile regression?
  • How do we detect and deal with outliers?
    • In response versus features?
    • At train time versus test time?
  • Factor versus numeric features for random forests.
  • Scaling features in various models, especially KNN.
  • Generalized linear models. (Chapter. Use for graduate students?)

A.3 Source